Based on the availability and openings, our facility admits children from 6 weeks to five years of age.
Enrollment at Day Nursery is an ongoing process and applications are accepted year-round. Day Nursery will not permit discrimination based on race, color, culture, gender, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, ancestry, age, English proficiency, or disability in any aspect of service delivery to eligible beneficiaries and will apply the principles of equal opportunity in all matters of employment and contractual agreements.
Day Nursery does not discriminate based on special needs as long as a safe, supportive environment can be provided.

We recently have been accepted for the Pr-K Counts grants, which allows us to give free Pre-K to qualifying families. Contact us for more information!
Families are required to complete at least one pre-visit to the center prior to enrollment. During the visit, families will tour the center, speak with the child’s teacher, and spend some time in the classroom. During the classroom visit, families will have the opportunity to view the classroom interaction, ask the teacher any questions they may have and get an overall feel for the program. Families can then place their child on the waitlist. Wait lists are routinely updated, checked, and revised to assist families in placement of their children. Once an opening in the child’s classroom becomes available, the parents will be notified and can begin the enrollment process, as follows:
- Parents will schedule an intake appointment, during which all necessary paperwork will be completed.
- Parents should schedule several small visits to the center with the child so that the child becomes acquainted with the teachers and the other children prior to the start date.
- Once all of the necessary paperwork is completed and returned to Day Nursery, the information can be stored in the ProCare Center Management System. Each parent/guardian, emergency contact and authorized pick-up person will be registered as an authorized user on the touch-screen computer with a fingerprint scan identifier.
All enrollment forms must be completed, and the security deposit needs to be paid prior to your child’s first day of attendance. The security deposit is equal to one week’s tuition and is refundable when your child is withdrawn, assuming withdrawal procedures are followed.
Enrollment Forms & Downloads
Guide to Quality Care (Adobe PDF)
The Day Nursery Guide To Quality Care is the property of Day Nursery Association and its inclusion on our website is for informational purposes only.
- Tuition Express *
- Child Health Assessment *
- Getting to Know My Child *
- CACFP Income Eligibility Form *
* required for all children
Choose One:
- CACFP Infant Enrollment Form (birth to 15 months)
- Child Enrollment Form (16 months to 5 years)
Information & Permissions
The Day Nursery Association staff and board members believe that children of all ability levels are entitled to the same opportunities for participation, acceptance and belonging in childcare. Staff members will make every reasonable accommodation to encourage full and active participation of all children in the program based on his or her individual capabilities and needs. We are committed to developmentally appropriate practice as defined by NAEYC, which means that there is not just one formula that will work for all children. Teachers must adapt their materials, experiences and strategies to meet children’s individual needs. Developmentally Appropriate Practice also means that the Day Nursery Association provides a setting where play is recognized as the primary means of learning for all children.